Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Chef School


Nothing can replicate the buzz of a real service in a professional kitchen and if you are considering a career as a head chef we certainly recommend getting a taste of professional cookery through work experience before committing to catering as a career.
placementPaid work experience is a relatively new option with providers offering to place you in a professional kitchen for a fee with the promise that your experience will open doors to a career as a chef. Paying for work experience can get you access to a good restaurant kitchen, but be aware that you are unlikely to gain any accredited qualifications (beyond the basics such as food hygiene).
Restaurants are tough working environments that have little time to focus on your needs as a learner – most chefs have no experience in teaching and you will likely be working on junior level tasks for most of your time.  At the end of it all you may have work experience on your CV but no qualifications to show.
Nowadays, employers are increasingly looking to recruit qualified chefs and at the Chefs Academy many of our graduates go on to start their careers as paid junior chefs in top restaurants after becoming qualified.
Our Advice:
Approach paid work experience with caution and ensure you have a clear understanding of the outcomes and structure of the training, which ideally should lead to a recognised qualification. Qualified chefs can expect to secure paid junior chef jobs in top kitchens immediately after graduating thus being paid for the experience rather than paying for it.


The Ashburton Chefs Academy is a private culinary school offering our unique chef training programmes developed by our team of expert chef tutors. As a private culinary school we are able to create a world-class adult learning environment, recruit the best teaching talent, and develop our own course content.
Our courses also incorporate accredited chef qualifications that are recognised qualifications.  Accreditation means we must meet high standards of delivery, training and student welfare, and are regularly inspected to ensure we meet these standards,  The Ashburton Chefs Academy is one of only 3 UK culinary schools to be accredited by the British Accreditation Council and the Confederation of Hospitality and Tourism to deliver some of the highest level chef qualifications in the UK.
academyWe develop our courses to be intensive and highly practical, with small class sizes. You can expect to become qualified in much less time on our courses. Because we are independent our courses are not state funded, however we offer low-cost finance on our courses, and a Career Development loan option.
Graduates of the Ashburton Chefs Academy can expect to be taken seriously within the catering industry at the highest levels and our Graduates have gone on to achieve great success. Formal chef qualifications not only offer you a structured learning path but by earning a qualification you demonstrate to employers your commitment and skill as a chef

Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage Departement


Merupakan suatu department yang ada di hotel yang mencakup food and beverage service dan food and beverage product dimana kedua bagian tersebut berfungsi untuk menjual jasa pelayanan makanan dan minuman  untuk para tamu hotel dan dikelola secara komersial dan professional.

1.     Untuk memenuhi selera tamu, keuasan dari makan dan minum
2.    Untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan nama baik hotel, khususnya tamu dari luar hotel yang ingin membuat perjamuan
3.    Untuk membuat keuntungan yang wajar, artinya tamu puas dan hotel memperoleh keuntungan

Food and Beverage Depertment terbagi atas 2 bagian
1.     Food &  Beverage Product
2.    Food & Beverge Service

» Food &  Beverage Product
Merupakan  department yang menyajikan makanan, mulai dari proses pemasakan sampai berupa makanan jadi. Product terbagi atas  berbagai macam bagian yaitu main kitchen, kithen caffe shop, pastry bakery. Dimana semua bagian tersebut mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda beda tetepi bertujuan sama yaitu menjual produck ke konsumen hotel.
» Food & Beverge Service
Bertugas menangani penghidangan makannan minuman, penyiapan beberapa jenis minuman diantaranya minuman campuran (mixed drinks)
Dalam suatu hotel F & B service berfungsi sebagai penjamu pelayanan makanan dan minuman pada tamu hotel.
F & B service terbagi atas  4 bagian :
1. Restaurant
2. Bar
3. Baquet
4. Room service
» Restaurant
  Restaurant merupakan bagian dari Food & Beverage departement yang berfungsi menyelenggarakan pelayanan  makanan dan minuman secara komersil pada suatu hotel.
» Bar
  Bar merupakan bagian dari food and beverage  department  yang bertugas menyiapkan makanan dan minuman, baik ber alkoholik dan non alkoholik.
» Baquet
  Baquet merupakan bagian yang bertanggung jawab dalam event – event besar yang di selenggarakan dihotel melalui pelayanan makanan dan minuman, biasanya di selenggarakan di ball room, garden.
» Room Service
  Merupakan bagian dari food and beverage service yang bertugas melayani makanan dan minuman pada tamu  yang menghendaki makan dan minum dalam kamar hotel. Room service buka selama 24 jam dengan menggunakan pelayanan trolly atau tray.

1.     Tangible product
2.    Intangible product

1.     Restorant (formal restourant, informal restourat, dan spesialist restourant)
2.    Banquet
3.    Bar
4.    Room service


Waiter atau waitress adalah seseorang yang menyajikan makanan dan minuman di dalam sebuah restoran atau bar.

  • Intellegence (akal budi, kebijaksanaan)
  • Education (pendidikan)
  • Physical dan mental health (fisik dan mental sehat )
  • Honesty (kejujuran, ketulusan hati)
  • Confidence (kepercayaan pada diri sendiri)
  • Self respect (hormat pada diri sendiri, rasa harga diri)
  • Interest (kepentingan, perhatian)
  • Attitude to the guest (sikap kepada tamu)
  • Aptidute (kecakapan, kecenderungan)
  • Carefullness (kehati-hatian)
  • Tolerance (kesabaran)
  • Ability to take criticism (kesanggupan menerima kritik)
  • Appearance (tampang atau penampilan)
  • Manner (cara, jalan, macam)
  • Speech (berbicara)
  • Manners (adab, sopan santun)
  • Quickness (kecepatan)
  • Capability (kecakapan, kesanggupan, kepandaian)
  • Punctualy (ketepatan dalam waktu)
  • Memory (ingatan, kenang-kenangan)
  • Initative (inisiatif, ikhtiar, usaha)
  • Depentability (depent = tergantung)
  • Loyalty (kesetiaan)
  • Willingness to accept direction (kesudian/ kesediaan menerima pengarahan)
  • Resourcefullness (penuh daya upaya)
  • Enthusiasm (kegembiraan, semangat)
  • Friendliness (rasa berkawan)
  • Sense of humor (perasaan bergurau yang lucu)
  • Retiable (dapat dipercaya)
  • Cooperative (kerja sama)
  • Personable (menarik)
  • Healthy (kesehatan)
  • Knowledge (yang berpengetahuan banyak)

House Keeping

Importance of Housekeeping Department

Housekeeping is the biggest physical area in many hotels. The main function of Housekeeping is to ensure Cleanliness, Comfort, Convenience, Privacy, Health and Hygiene in a safe environment.
Housekeeping is just not cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly, materials. Good Housekeeping is also a basic part of accident and fire prevention.

When gust walk in to a hotel they have a previously not visited thy from instantaneous impressions, These impressions are enhanced or diminished as the gust moves from the registration desk to the elevator and down the corridor towards a room that he is approaching with either mild anticipation or trepidation. When the gust enters the room however all prior impressions are immediately supplanted by a virtually total response to the room itself. “Rooms are the heart of the hotel” Unless there décor is appropriate, air odor free, the room it self is spotlessly clean the hotel will loose guests as potential repeat guests.

Effective Housekeeping is an ongoing operation. Regardless of the size and structure most of the Housekeeping department in hotels will be responsible for cleaning the following are such as.

Gust rooms 
Public areas, such as the lobby and public toilets
Management Offices 
Employee locker rooms
Linen and uniform room

In addition to all above areas Housekeeping departments of star class hotels will be responsible for cleaning the following areas too.

Banquet area 
Hotel operated shops 
Health & sports center

Since Housekeeping is responsible for cleaning a large area within the hotel it is essential to establish good communication. The Methods used for communication may differ from place to another, but mostly used will be memos, telephone, paging systems, pre-printed forms, light and computers.

The Importance of the room to a guest

The room is the most important place to a guest. Every guest expects a clean room. They expect Comfort, Convenience, Safety & Privacy and Hygiene in the guestrooms.

What dose a room meant to a guest?

What dose a room meant to a guest?


Hotels spend lot of money in ensuring the quality of beds, mattresses temperature controls, hot and cold water, Etc. The comport means it must be regularly maintained and functioning.


A guest is provided with entertainment, food and beverage services telephone services Etc. The guest is thus to spend all the time towards fulfilling his purpose of travel. The housekeeping personnel must ensure that all literature regarding the facilities is provided in the room for the convenience of the guest.

Safety and security

Safety and Security of the Guest has to be ensured to the guest by checking and maintaining entrance is only through one door and it should be able to double lock from inside; strict control of room keys and master keys. Precautions in the room to ensure all electrical wirings concealed and smoke detectors and fire alarm system in proper working order.


All rooms are provided with curtains, some with separate light day curtains and heavy dark night curtains. The entrance to the room procedure is well defined to ensure the guest privacy. (Safety chain, Magic eye)

Health and Hygiene

Health and Hygiene All Housekeeping personnel are well trained in using correct usage of cleaning agents, equipment, and methods for benefit of the guest and staff themselves. 

Housekeeping Relationship and Coordination with other Department

Launders & dry cleans linen
Launders & dry cleans uniforms
Issuing clean uniform & linen Flower arrangements
Special cleaning

Housekeeping Relationship with Front Office

Front Office
-In form housekeeping of arrivals and departures, room changes
-room status
-VIP arrivals
-guest request
-Occupancy forecast
-room discrepancy
Bell desk / concierge
-removal of luggage
-attending to guest request
-providing information

Chef School

PAID WORK EXPERIENCE Nothing can replicate the buzz of a real service in a professional kitchen and if you are considering a career as a...